ShangRing Circumcision

Advances in circumcision surgery have stagnated in recent decades. Ten years ago however, a landmark medical publication showed that circumcision strongly reduced the risk of HIV transmission in male participants of a clinical study, generating renewed interest in circumcision by the World Health Organisation and health officials worldwide. Realising that circumcision may help contain the HIV/AIDS epidemic in high-prevalence areas such as in Africa, researchers sought to find newer ways to perform circumcision that are more convenient for men and that are more likely to achieve high uptake. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded research to create the Shang Ring, a new circumcision device that fits this purpose.

Bill Gates talks about Shang Ring Circumcision

The main benefits of the Shang Ring are:

  • reduced pain
  • minimal bleeding
  • requires no stitching
  • requires no bandages
  • showering as normal during recovery
  • minimal time off work needed
  • no stitching marks

Shang Ring Circumcision

During the early stages of development, Dr. Said Bakir was invited to be an expert observer of the Shang Ring procedure. Today, years later, the Shang Ring has proved to be a very effective method of circumcision in high-prevalence areas. The IMC Circumcision Clinic London is the only private circumcision centre in the region to offer Shang Ring circumcision. Tens of thousands of men worldwide and hundreds at our own clinic report that they are very satisfied with the results that this device achieves.

Circumcision London with ShangRing

Dr. Bakir with the inventor of ShangRing



Read more about our adult circumcision services.

ExperienceServing the community for 27 years
Pain-freeLocal anaesthetic included
24-hour assistanceYou can call our emergency number any time
Sterile equipmentSingle-use certified tools for a safe experience